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Earnestly Contend
Hundreds of fulfilled prophecies prove God's existence, that the
Bible is His inerrant Word, the Jews His chosen people, and Jesus of
Nazareth the promised Messiah who died for our sins, has resurrected,
and is coming again. Yet prophecy is neglected by most Christian
preachers and writers.
No wonder that the “last-days” apostasy warned of
in God's Word is now upon us with a vengeance!
The few who do teach prophecy, when referring to
“last-days signs,” seldom mention apostasy. Yet when asked by His
disciples, “What shall be the sign of thy coming...?” (Mt 24:3), Christ
three times warned that the major sign would be apostasy, with false
prophets and false Christs using false “signs and wonders” to deceive
(24:4-5,11,?24). That warning was echoed by Paul (2 Tm 3:8) and by Jude, who said we must “earnestly contend
for the faith...once delivered to the saints” because “certain men
[have] crept [into the church] unawares...ungodly men...denying...God,
and...Christ” (Jude 3-4).
“False Christs”?! There have been many in our
day, from Jim Jones to David Koresh. Numerous gurus in India claim to be
“Christ.” The false “Christs” presented by novels, videos, and movies
have multiplied since Jesus Christ Superstar . The “Jesus” of The DaVinci Code is a fraud. The “Jesus” of ABC-TV's Judas confessed that he “blew it” in chasing the moneychangers out of the Temple. The media bombards us with false Christs!
The Bible is being “improved” by script writers, movie
directors, and actors, who are replacing the actual
“incorruptible...word of God” by which we are “born again,” with
dramatic representations. The entire New Testament is now on video,
which may soon be the only “Bible” youth know. Who will earnestly
For three years, “night and day with tears”
(Acts 20:31), Paul warned the Ephesian elders about coming apostasy. Who
warns about apostasy today? Rick Warren wouldn't dare for fear of
losing his following. A prophesied apostasy doesn't fit Warren's plans
and popularity, nor does it fit the mushrooming growth of other mega
churches—or does it?
Is the Bible wrong—or is this the apostasy
foretold? What is the real condition of the church? A recent Barna poll
revealed that 71 percent of Americans, 64 percent of “born-agains,” and
40 percent of “evangelicals” reject absolute truth.
Paul faithfully declared “all the counsel of God
[holding] back nothing” (Acts 20:20,?27). But the church today, like the
world it mimics, believes the lie that to be “successful” one must
always be “positive.” Thus, most of the Bible is avoided. Were Jeremiah
or any other prophets “positive”? Was Jesus “positive” when He said,
“...except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish” (Lk 13:3,5)? He
repeatedly warned about hell.
From which Christian leaders do we hear
such warnings today?
Watching TBN, or reading James Rutz's MegaShift
(“A megashift of spiritual power...is about to...put [the world] into
vastly better shape....
A whole new form of Christianity promises to
bring a far greater impact than the Protestant Reformation”), would lead
one to believe that the real sign of the last days is a worldwide
revival (the “latter rain outpouring of the Spirit”) fueled by
miraculous “signs and wonders.” The Bible, however, calls it a deadly
delusion led by false prophets.
Peter Howard, executive assistant to Bishop Michael
Sheridan, head of the Catholic Diocese of Colorado Springs, warned
Catholics not to attend Protestant services. In “positive” response, Ted
Haggard, Senior Pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs and
president of the 30-million-member National Association of Evangelicals
(NAE), said, “New Life doesn't try to ‘convert' Catholics” and would
never discourage its members “from becoming Catholic or attending
Catholic Mass.”
The 16th-century Reformers would be aghast!
The Council of Trent (1545-1563) was the
response of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) to the Reformation. It
pronounced more than 100 anathemas against the true gospel, damning to
hell all who believe it. For example:
“If anyone says that the
sacraments of the New Law [Catholic rituals] are not necessary for
salvation but...men obtain from God through faith alone the grace of
justification...let him be anathema.”
On December 31, 1995, honoring Trent's 450th
anniversary, Pope John Paul II declared: “Its conclusions maintain all
their value.” Those who claim that Christ paid the full penalty for sin
on the Cross, who deny the necessity of suffering for one's sins in
purgatory, and who reject indulgences to shorten that suffering are
still anathematized by Rome. Yet in The Body (1992), Charles
Colson denied that indulgences are still offered by Rome.
I sent him the
seventeen pages on indulgences from Vatican II, including Pope Paul's
anathema upon those who deny indulgences today. Colson never
acknowledged his error, which has led multitudes astray.
The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association published a special “Crusade Edition” (1962, 1964, 1969) of Halley's Bible Handbook
and boldly removed Halley's careful documentation of the evil of the
popes and the slaughter of true Christians. Zondervan published a
revised edition of Halley's Bible Handbook in 2000, which
likewise eliminated references to the RCC's heresies and the millions of
evangelical Christians slaughtered by Rome. Instead, it says:
Roman Catholic Church responded to the Protestant Reformation by
reforming and renewing itself.”
When challenged about its lies, Stan Gundry, Zondervan's
Vice President and Editor-in-Chief responded, “The purpose of the
rewriting was...to give a more balanced portrayal of the history of
Whitewashing Roman Catholic doctrine and practice and
leaving out the slaughter of millions of Christians gives a “more
balanced” history?! And who owns Zondervan, publisher of The Purpose-Driven Life?
In 1988, Zondervan and its NIV Bible were
purchased by Harper & Row Publishers (now HarperCollins Publishers),
who put out pro-homosexual books such as Making Out , The Book of Lesbian Sex and Sexuality
(“Beautifully illustrated with full-color photography...”) and others!
HarperCollins is a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch's The News Corporation,
which owns Twentieth Century Fox and Fox Broadcasting.
The latter
produces some of the most immoral, anti-family shows on television.
Murdoch—to whom Pat Robertson sold the Family Channel (paid for by CBN
donors) for $1.9 billion—was knighted by the Pope after donating $10
million for a new Catholic cathedral in Los Angeles.
And Rick Warren
claims to be Murdoch's pastor.
Christian publishers have put profits ahead of sound
doctrine and have made a lot of money by giving customers what they want
instead of the biblical truth they need, selling out to the world
monetarily as they already had morally. Isn't this the opposite of
contending for the
faith? On October 31, 1999, in Augsburg, Germany,
representatives of the Lutheran World Federation and of the RCC signed a
Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ). The
Reformation was overturned! Colson says, “Justification by faith
alone...doesn't mean today among evangelicals what it meant in the
reformers' time.” The gospel has changed?!
For 1.1 billion Roman Catholics nothing changed. They
still pray to Mary for salvation and wear her scapular, which declares,
“Whosoever dies wearing this scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.”
What an insult to Christ! The very doctrine of indulgences that sparked
the Reformation remains a mainstay of Catholicism.
Mocking JDDJ, John
Paul II opened four “holy doors” in Rome and offered plenary indulgences
for walking through them. (Catholic pilgrims came by the millions to do
so, rejecting Christ as the only door to eternal life!)
Kneeling beside the Pope in front of the first
“holy door” opened was George Carey, Archbishop of Canterbury and
spiritual head of the Church of England. John Stott said, “Evangelicals
should join [the] Church of England in working toward full communion
with the Roman Catholic Church.”
Do we believe the entire Bible or just the “positive”
parts of it? Jesus said, “Except a man be born again, he cannot see [or
enter] the kingdom of God” (Jn 3:3,5). Peter said that a man is “born
again...by the word of God...which by the gospel is preached” (1 Pt
1:23-25). Without believing the gospel, one is lost eternally (Rom 1:16;
Acts 16:31, etc.).
Haggard affirms “the necessity of being born
again....” Yet he accepts Catholics as Christians who have been born
again by infant baptism!
What is the faith (gospel) for which we are to
“earnestly contend”?
Paul defines it as the death, burial, and
resurrection of Christ according to the Scriptures . Surely that
involves who God is, who Christ is, the problem between God and man, the
only means of man's forgiveness by God, and the eternal consequences
for those who reject the biblical gospel—all according to the
The entire Word of God is foundational to the faith.
Sadly, the church and world are being robbed of the pure Word of God by
professing evangelicals. Eugene Peterson's The Message (NavPress, 1993) changes God's Word into the “social gospel,” downgrading salvation to earthly improvement. (See TBC Oct '95; Feb '04.)
The Renovaré “Bible” rejects divine inspiration and prophecies about Israel and Christ. (See TBC Aug '05.)
The subject of Israel takes up most of the
Its history and prophets lay the foundation for the Messiah's
identity and mission. If the Bible is not 100 percent true about Israel
(as many evangelicals claim), we cannot believe what it says about
Christ and our “redemption through His blood.”
For decades, Billy Graham has declared that his beliefs
are “essentially the same as those of orthodox Roman Catholics....” He
praised Pope John Paul II as a preacher of the true gospel and for “his
strong Catholic faith,” hailing him as “the greatest moral and spiritual
leader of the last 100 years....I don't know anyone else that I could
put as high as he is. He's traveled the whole world...spreading the
Catholic faith....
He and I agree on almost everything.”
It is indisputable that John Paul II, though
praised by evangelicals, trusted Mary instead of Christ for his eternal
destiny. (See TBC May '05.)
Yet, like Graham, Richard Land,
president of the Southern Baptists' Ethics and Religious Liberty
Commission, emphasized that any disagreements Protestants may have had
“with John Paul II are [irrelevant] to the foundations of the faith.”
Land praised the Pope's “staunch defense of traditional Christian
Pat Robertson enthused, “Pope John Paul II stands like a
rock...in his clear enunciation of the foundational principles of the
Christian faith.” Jack Van Impe has hailed the Pope as a staunch
Christian and defender of the faith.
J.I. Packer, a signatory to ECT, called John Paul II “a fine Christian man”
and declared, “Catholics are among the most loyal and virile brothers
evangelicals can find these days.”
Who will obey Jude's injunction to “earnestly contend
for the faith once delivered to the saints”? Not Rick Warren. Nor has
Billy Graham ever raised a voice against those who deny the faith.
Charles Dullea, Jesuit Superior of Rome's Pontifical Biblical Institute,
urged Catholics to attend Graham's crusades because “A Catholic will
hear...no word against Mass or Sacraments or Catholic practice.”
called the Mass “a very beautiful thing...straight and clear in the
gospel I believe....” He recommended a biography of Pope John XXIII as
“a classic in devotion.” Yet it contains page after page of John XXIII's
devotion to Mary and the Saints, worship of the host, and trust in the
sacraments for salvation.
Billy Graham hailed Bishop Fulton Sheen as the
“greatest communicator of the 20th century.” Though Sheen preached a
false gospel, Billy exulted in their “common commitment to evangelism”
and thanked Sheen “for his ministry and his focus on Christ.” Yet
Sheen's hope of heaven was in his 40 pilgrimages to Marian shrines at
Fatima and Lourdes. When Sheen died, Billy said, “I...look forward to
our reunion in heaven.”
Many evangelical leaders who generally preach the true
gospel, commend, approve of, and praise those who preach a false gospel.
Is it any less damning to souls for Billy Graham to praise and endorse
Norman Vincent Peale, Robert Schuller, Pope John Paul II, and others who
preach a false gospel than to preach it himself?
In The Body, Chuck Colson called for
union with Rome. In an article titled, “Why Catholics are Our Allies,”
he wrote:
“And let's be certain that we are firing our polemical rifles
against the enemies, not [allies] fighting in the trenches alongside us
in the defense of the Truth.” It would shock the Reformers (especially
the millions Rome tortured and slaughtered for their faith in Christ) to
learn that the enemies of the gospel were actually their allies “in
defense of the Truth”!
Just as His people Israel, to whom He sent His
prophets to warn them of their apostasy and its dire consequences, would
not listen, so it is today in the church. Glad to follow any pied piper
who plays an enticing tune, and unwilling (and one day unable) to hear
the Lord, millions dance merrily on to judgment.
Time on this earth will
soon end. Let us earnestly contend for “the faith once delivered unto
the saints”-—and thereby rescue many before it is forever too late. And
may our example give renewed courage and conviction to many others
Dave Hunt