
Are you a Jew?
It's not easy for a Christian to address a Jewish person.
centuries, Jews have had nothing but persecution by the hands of so
called "Christians." Why should they then, trust a Christian?
persecutions and inquisitions to pogroms and "final solutions," their
history as a people, has been incredibly dismal. So, their resentment is somewhat justified, albeit, misdirected.
But if we only look at history's events without a spiritual
discernment, then there is no sufficient answer or explanation that
can be given, for the treatment reserved to the Jews. It just does not
make any sense whatsoever that any group of people, nation or race
can provoke so much hate, resentment and persecution as the Jews have
throughout all of their existence.
Since this anti-Jewish attitude
cannot be explained in terms of human logic, the answer must necessarily
be searched in another realm, the spiritual one, unknown or very
obscure to most.
The book of Romans, sheds ample light on the subject, and unlocks the mystery, especially chapters 9, 10 and 11.
If you are a Jew, you have probably never read it. But I
beg you to do so, and let it speak honestly to your mind and to your
Christians have a debt of love and gratitude towards the
Jews. Those who don't think so, either they are not Christians or they
have understood precious little about their salvation. Suffice to say
that Jesus, as a man walking the earth, was a Jew, and so were His
parents, His disciples, the original Church members, the first
missionaries and martyrs of the Faith and so forth.
Without forgetting
that the Jews have been the entrusted custodians of God's revealed
Word, by way of their prophets, leaders and kings.
If you are a Jew,
please check out our Messianic Jewish links. You will find all that
can help you understand better who you really are, in relation to
Christianity and you will also find a lot of answers to your
particular whys. You have a unique heritage and destiny, different
from any other people on earth.
As to the future of the Jews, all the promises made by God
to Abraham will be made manifest as Israel will enter fully into her
inheritance, which she has never really possessed. Its borders will
extend from the "River of Egypt" to the "Euphrates"
-Gen.15:18, and she will finally have peace and security and be the
most prominent nation on earth, while God will judge and destroy her
enemies. Sorry, everybody else.
Unfortunately, before Israel will assume her appointed position, she
will have to go through a period called the "Tribulation," or
"Jacob's trouble." While this upcoming time will be tragically
disastrous for the whole earth, Israel, once more, and by the hand of
the Antichrist, will suffer persecution more than others, since he will
vent his rage towards her and will seek to annihilate her. The
Antichrist will embody this millennial demonic hate against Israel: to
eliminate Israel from the face of the earth and to prove God a liar,
since the prophecies of the Bible, which have Israel involved as a key
element, would not and could not be fulfilled.
The demonic alarming rise of anti-Semitism, worldwide, is in front of all those who have eyes to sees.
Without any doubt, the tide is mounting and in Europe,
Israel certainly does not get fair press. It may be that European
nations feel that they need the Arab's oil more than Israel's oranges,
and so ethics and morality take second place to pragmatism. As always
and as usual!
The news media, (in Europe), are unashamedly anti-Israel.
Whenever the Palestinian subject comes up, Israel is always depicted
as the aggressor and tyrant of a persecuted people, (whose "helpless"
members think nothing of bombing, and maiming innocent people and
children, and whose stated purpose is the complete destruction of
Israel) while people like Arafat are constantly given positive attention
and are received with the highest of honors, by all heads of state
and even by the Pope himself.
This is not to say that all Catholics
are anti-semitic, but that the tendency has been there all along, and
it's still unofficially present today, regardless of late Pope John
Paul's "public excuses" to the Jews for the treatment they have been
getting through the centuries by the hand of the Catholic Church.
While we acknowledge that Pope John Paul has unquestionably done more
than any other preceding pope to bridge the gap of distrust between
Catholics and Jews, we must also place his goodwill gestures in their
proper dimension. It will not be a single pope, no matter how great or
esteemed that will change the fundamental attitude of the Catholic
hierarchy, the "power-brokers" at the Vatican.
In closing, if you are a Jew, you owe it to yourself to
search the Scriptures and find out that, regardless of history past and
history present, you are STILL the apple of God's eye. The prophet
Zechariah, inspired by God wrote to the Jewish nation:
And on the inhabitants of Jerusalem
The Spirit of Grace and Supplication
Then they will LOOK on ME the ONE they have PIERCED.
They will mourn for HIM as one mourns for his only son
And grieve for HIM as one grieves for a first born.
Zech 12:10