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from Greek: τὰ βιβλία (ta biblia), to Latin: biblia to English: the books, or better, little books
from Greek: τὰ βιβλία (ta biblia), to Latin: biblia to English: the books, or better, little books
Related terms:
Holy Bible, Sacred Scriptures, The Word of God, the Word, Holy Writ, Good Book
Main division:
Old Testament= 39 books
New Testament=27 books, for a grand total of 66 books

Jesus Christ is the Center and heart of the Bible
The Old Testament is an account of a Nation.
The New Testament is an account of a MAN
The Nation was founded and nurtured of God to bring the MAN into the world. God Himself became a MAN, to give mankind a concrete, definite, tangible idea of what kind of Person to think of when we think of God.
The Old Testament is an account of a Nation.
The New Testament is an account of a MAN
The Nation was founded and nurtured of God to bring the MAN into the world. God Himself became a MAN, to give mankind a concrete, definite, tangible idea of what kind of Person to think of when we think of God.
God is like Jesus. Jesus was God incarnate in human form.
His appearance on the earth is the Central Event of all
The Old Testament sets the stage for it. The New Testament
describes it.
As a MAN, He lived the most strangely beautiful life
ever known. He was the Kindest, Tenderest, Gentlest, more Patient, most
Sympathetic Man that ever lived. He loved people. He hated to see
people in trouble. He loved to forgive. He loved to help. He wrought
marvellous miracles to feed hungry people. For relieving the suffering,
He forgot to take food for Himself.
Multitudes, weary, pain ridden and
heartsick came to Him, and found healing and relief. It is said of
Him, and of no other, that if all the deeds of kindness that He did
were written, the world would not contain the books. This is the kind
of Man Jesus was. That is the kind of Person God is.
Then: He died, on the Cross, to take away the sin of the world, to become the Redeemer and Saviour of men.
Then: He rose from the dead, is alive now: not merely an
historical character, but a living Person: the most important fact of
history, and the most vital force in the world today.
The whole Bible is built around this beautiful story
of Christ and His promise.of life Eternal to those who accept Him.
Bible was written only that men might believe and understand and know
and love and follow CHRIST.
Christ, the Center and Heart of the Bible, the Center
and Heart of history, is the Center and Heart of our lives. Our eternal
destiny is in His hand. Our acceptance or rejection of Him, determines
for each of us Eternal Glory or Eternal Ruin, Heaven or Hell: one or
the other.
The most important decision any one is ever called on to
make is to settle in his heart, once for all, the matter of his
attitude towards Christ. On that depends everything.
It is a glorious thing to be a Christian, the most
exalted privilege of mankind.
To accept Christ as Saviour, Lord and
Master and to strive sincerely and devotedly to follow in the way of
life which He thaught is certainly, and by far, the most reasonable and
most satisfactory way to live. It means peace, peace of mind,
contentment of heart, forgiveness, happiness, hope, life, life here and
now, life abundant, LIFE THAT SHALL NEVER END.
How can anyone be so blind, or so dumb, as to go through
life and face death, without the Christian Hope? Apart from Christ,
what is there, what can there be, either for this world or the next, to
make life worthwhile?
We all have to die. Why try to laugh it off? It
seems like every human being would welcome Christ with open arms and
consider it the proudest privilege of his life to wear the Christian
In the last analysis, the dearest, sweetest thing in
life is the consciousness in the inner depths of our motives, that we
live for Christ and though our efforts be ever so feeble, we toil at
our daily tasks in hope of, in the final roundup, having done something
to lay, in humble gratitude and adoration, as an offering at His feet.
Henry H. Halley - from Halley's Bible Handbook

The Bible is God’s Word
Apart from any theory of inspiration, or any theory of
how the Bible books came to their present form, or how much the text
may have suffered in transmission at the hands of editors and copyist,
apart from the question of how much is to be interpreted literally and
how much figuratively, or what is historical and what may be poetical,
if we will assume that the Bible is just what it appears to be, and
study its books to know their contents, we will find there a Unity of
Thought indicating that One Mind inspired the writing and compilation of
the whole series of books, that it bears on its face the stamp of
its Author, that it is in a unique and distinctive sense THE WORD OF
There is a present day view, held rather widely in
certain intellectual circles that the Bible is a sort of age-long story
of man’s effort to find God: a record of man’s experiences reaching
after God, gradually improving his idea of God by building on the
experiences of preceding generations.
In those passages, so abundant in
the Bible, in which it is said that God spoke, God, according to this
view, did not really speak, but men put forth their ideas in language
professing to be the language of God, while in reality it was only what
men imagined about God. The Bible is thus reduced to the level of
other books, and is made to appear, not a Divine book, but a human book,
pretending to be Divine.
We reject this view utterly, and with abhorrence. We
believe the Bible to be not men’s account of its effort to find God,
but rather, an account of God’s effort to reveal Himself to man.
own record of His dealings with men, in His unfolding revelation of
Himself to the human race: the revealed Will of the Creator of Man,
given to Man by the Creator Himself, the Instructions and Guidance in
the Ways of Life.
The books of the Bible were composed by human authors,
and it is not even known who some of these authors were. Nor is it
known just how God directed these authors to write. But it is asserted
that God did direct them, and these books must be exactly what God
wanted them to be.
There is a difference between the Bible and all other
books. Authors may pray for God’s help and guidance, and God does help
and guide; and there are many good books in the world unmistakably God
has helped the authors to write. But even so, even the most saintly of
authors would hardly presume to claim for his books that God wrote
them. But that is claimed for the Bible. God Himself superintended and
directed and dictated the writing of the Bible books, with the human
authors so completely under His control that the writing was the
writing of God.
The Bible is God’s Word in a sense that no other book
in the world is God’s Word.
It may be that some Bible utterances are “ancient
thought forms” for ideas that we would now express in a different way;
for they were expressed in language of ancient times. But even so, the
Bible contains precisely the things that God wants mankind to know, in
exactly the form in which He wants us to know them. And to the end of
time the Dear Old Book will remain the one and only answer to
humanity’s quest for God.
The Bible, composed by many authors, over a period of
many centuries, yet ONE BOOK, is in itself, the outstanding Miracle of
the Ages, bearing aloft its own evidence of its Superhuman Origin.
Everybody ought to love the Bible. Everybody ought to be
a regular reader of the Bible. Everybody ought to strive to Live by
the Bible’s teachings. The Bible ought to have central place in the
life and working of every church and in every pulpit. The pulpit one business is the simple expository teaching of God’s Word.
Henry H. Halley - from Halley's Bible Handbook