x file 43

Some Things Are Not Negotiable
WILL ROGERS once opined that a sure way to prevent war would be to abolish peace conferences.
Of course Will, as usual, had his tongue in his cheek; he
meant only to poke fun at the weak habit of substituting talk for
action. Still there is more than a little uncomfortable truth in his
This above all others is the age of much talk. Hardly a day
passes that the newspapers do not carry one or another of the headlines
"Talks to Begin" or "Talks to Continue" or "Talks to Resume."
The notion
back of this endless official chatter is that all differences between
men result from their failure to understand each other; if each can
discover exactly what the other thinks they will find to their delight
that they are really in full agreement after all. Then they have only to
smile, shake hands, go home and live happily everafter.
At the bottom of all this is the glutinous, one-world,
all-men-are-brothers philosophy that has taken such hold on the minds of
many of our educators and politicians. (The hardheaded realists of the
Communist camp know better; maybe that is why they are making such
alarming advances throughout the world while the all-men-are-brothers
devotees are going around in confusion, trying to keep smiling if it
kills them.)
Tolerance, charity, understanding, good will, patience and
other such words and ideas are lifted from the Bible, misunderstood and
applied indiscriminately to every situation. The kidnaper will not steal
your baby if you only try to understand him; the burglar caught
sneaking into your house with a gun is not really bad; he is just hungry
for fellowship and togetherness; the gang killer taking his victim for a
one-way ride can be dissuaded from committing murder if someone will
only have faith in his basic goodness and have a talk with him.
And this
is supposed to be the teaching of Jesus, which it most certainly is
The big thing now is to "keep in touch." Never let the
dialogue die and never accept any decision as final; everything can be
negotiated. Where there is life there is talk and where there is talk
there is hope.
"As long as they are talking they are not shooting at
each other," say the advocates of the long palaver, and in so saying
they forget Pearl Harbor.
This yen to confer has hit the church also, which is not
strange since almost everything the church is doing these days has been
suggested to her by the world. I observe with pained amusement, how many
water boys of the pulpit in their effort to be prophets are standing up
straight and tall and speaking out boldly in favor of ideas that have
been previously fed into their minds by the psychiatrists, the
sociologists, the novelists, the scientists and the secular educators.
The ability to appraise correctly the direction public opinion is moving
is a gift not to be despised; by means of it we preachers can talk
loudly and still stay out of trouble.
A new Decalogue has been adopted by the neoChristians of our
day, the first word of which reads "Thou shalt not disagree"; and a new
set of Beatitudes too, which begins "Blessed are they that tolerate
everything, for they shall not be made accountable for anything."
It is
now the accepted thing to talk over religious differences in public with
the understanding that no one will try to convert another or point out
errors in his belief. The purpose of these talks is not to confront
truth, but to discover how the followers of other religions think and
thus benefit from their views as we hope they will from ours.
It is a truism that people agree to disagree only about
matters they consider unimportant. No man is tolerant when it concerns
his life or the life of his child, and no one will agree to negotiate
over any religious matter he considers vital to his eternal welfare.
Imagine Moses agreeing to take part in a panel discussion with Israel
over the golden calf; or Elijah engaging in a gentlemanly dialogue with
the prophets of Baal.
Or try to picture our Lord Jesus Christ seeking a
meeting of minds with the Pharisees to iron out differences- or
Athanasius trying to rise above his differences with Arius in order to
achieve union on a higher level; or Luther crawling into the presence of
the pope in the name of a broader Christian fellowship.
The desire to be liked even if not respected is a great
weakness in any man's character, and in that of a minister of Jesus
Christ it is a weakness wholly inexcusable. The popular image of the man
of God as a smiling, congenial asexual religious mascot whose handshake
is always soft and whose head is always bobbing in the perpetual "Yes"
of universal acquiescence is not the image found in the Scriptures of
The blessing of God is promised to the peacemaker, but the
religious negotiator had better watch his step. The ability to settle
quarrels between members of God's household is a heavenly gift and one
that should be assiduously cultivated.
The discerning soul who can
reconcile separated friends by prayer and appeal to the Scriptures is
worth his weight in diamonds.
That is one thing, but the effort to achieve unity at the
expense of truth and righteousness is another. To seek to be friends
with those who will not be the friends of Christ is to be a traitor to
our Lord. Darkness and light can never be brought together by talk.
things are not negotiable.
A. W. Tozer
from: Man: The Dwelling Place Of God