x file 35

The Many States of Palestine
An early Zionist leader was fond of speaking of the land that was to
become Israel as "a land without a people for a people without a land."
Although his observation was in large measure accurate, 'it was not
quite the whole of the reality that would become the Jewish experience
when they returned to the land of their fathers.
There was an Arab
presence that would prove to be a thorn in the side of the emerging
The resulting conflict, and particularly the furor caused
over the establishment of an independent state of Palestine, has been a
contentious and, to say the least, divisive issue throughout the entire
existence of the State of Israel.
It is not a question of whether there
will be a state of Palestine, but what nature and direction that state
will take once it is fully established. Will it become a good neighbor
to Israel? Or will Palestinians use it as a launching pad for what they
hope will be the final annihilation of the Jewish state?
The Romans, who ruled the ancient Mediterranean world two
thousand years ago, coined the word originally. Palestine was adapted
from the name of the Philistines, who occupied parts of the region as
hostile contemporaries of ancient Israel.
Some historians believe that
the Romans chose the name as a way of erasing the memory of the Jewish
people and their association with the land.
The Roman historian,
Herodotus, was the first to mention the name. He called it "the
Philistine Syria." Subsequently, the name was shortened to "Palestina,"
hence Palestine.
The "Christian" Crusaders employed the word to refer to the general
area that had been known sinc
e the fourth century as the "three
Palestines." After the fall of the crusader kingdom, Palestine was no
longer an official designation. The name, however, continued to be used
informally for the lands on both sides of the Jordan River.
When the Ottoman Turks, who were non-Arabs but religious
Muslims, took over the area, they ruled for approximately 400 years.
Under Ottoman rule, Palestine was never an administrative unit. It was
part of the province of Syria.
That situation prevailed until the Ottoman Empire fell, and, in
1922, the British, who had received the Mandate over Palestine from the
League of Nations, restricted the application of the name to the area
west of the Jordan River. The land east of the river became known as
Transjordan, which in 1946 became the Kingdom of Jordan.
In the end, the name Palestine was restricted to the portion
west of the Jordan River now known as Israel. This historical
information is important when approaching the problem of establishing a
Palestinian state because, in so doing, a completely new national entity
is being formed. Contrary to current claims by the Palestinians, there
has never in the past been an Arab state of Palestine.
Mr. David Bar-Illan, former Executive Editor of the Jerusalem Post,
addressed the subject in an article first published in November 1998 in
the Los Angeles Times. He wrote:
In a recent speech to the United Nations General Assembly,
Yasser Arafat talked of "the need to realize justice for the Palestinian
people, to restore their international status and their seat in the
United Nations."
He referred to "our country, Palestine" and expressed
the hope that it would be "restored its freedom."
The meaning of this message is clear: Palestine is a country
that belonged to the Palestinians until it was invaded and usurped by
the Jews. Jerusalem was the Palestinian capital now being Judaized by
Israel. Justice will be served only if the Palestinians are allowed to
re-establish their sovereignty in it.
That all this is unadulterated fiction has not prevented
many governments from accepting it. Nor has it deterred pundits from
upbraiding Israel for failing to " give back" Palestinian land.
In fact, there never has been a state called Palestine, nor
have the Palestinian Arabs ever been an independent people, and
Jerusalem never has been an Arab or Muslim capital.
Jerusalem has had an
absolute Jewish majority for more than a century (and a plurality
before that), and for the last 3,000 years, only the Jewish people have
called it their capital.
To inveigh against "Judaizing" Jerusalem is
like protesting the Arabization of Cario',
Who Are the Palestinians?
The word Palestinian, as commonly employed today, is of
relatively recent vintage. Until the end of the British Mandate over
Palestine in 1948, all inhabitants of the area west of the Jordan River
were known as Palestinians. In other words, a Jewish person living in
what is now Israel was referred to as a "Palestinian Jew."
An Arab
living in the same area was a "Palestinian Arab." Likewise, a Christian
was known as a "Palestinian Christian." It was as simple as that.
Palestine ceased to exist as a legal entity after 1948, when
Britain gave up the Mandate and Israel became a modern state. For their
part, the Palestinians joined the rest of the Arab world in rejecting
the UN Partition Plan of 1947 and moved to destroy the fledgling State
of Israel.
After failing to do so, and following five attempts to wipe
out the Jewish state, the Palestinians decided to change their tactics,
if not their final goal, and begin negotiating with Israel.
The Right of Prior Claim
Palestinian leaders settled on a rather ingenious plan that
sprang from the idea that, as "Palestinians," they had a legitimate
prior claim to the Holy Land. The very name they assumed as their
birthright seemed to many to legitimatize their claim. They were willing
to go so far as to say that Jews had no ancient presence in the land or
on the Temple Mount that predated the Arab Palestinians.
Yasser Arafat
added insult to injury by claiming that his people, not Jews, were the
original brethren and followers of Jesus of Nazareth. Indeed, he claimed
that Jesus was a freedom fighter against the Romans, just as he himself
was a freedom fighter attempting to break the hold of the Israelis on
his people.
As bizarre as this scenario seems to those who are
biblically and historically literate, these preposterous claims
reportedly received a standing ovation before 400 certified journalists
in a speech Arafat made in Geneva, Switzerland.
Thus, they argue, this being the case, the Palestinians have
the right, not only to a state, but also to Jerusalem as their capital
The Many States of Palestine
In the beginning, the strategy of the Arab world and the
Palestinians was very simple: Destroy those pestiferous Zionists and
drive them into the sea. It did not appear to be a problem.
After all,
millions of hostile Arabs surrounded a tiny state no larger than New
Jersey in the United States. In spite of numerical superiority, however,
they were not successful. Although Israel paid a very high price for
its survival, it remained intact as a sovereign nation.
Phase two then became the negotiation track. First, it was to be a
Palestinians take back to the 1967 armistice lines. Then, Arafat's
stated goal was to push Israel back to the 1948 lines. All the while,
Arafat and his cohorts were assuring the Arab world that this was only a
tactical maneuver-first'67, then '48, then, for the Zionist Jews, the
It seemed for a time that this would work, with "land for
peace" platitudes flying like kites in the wind. And, indeed , Israel
was conceding land that it could not afford to give away.
For the
Palestinians, however, it was real progress, for all they needed was a
bit of patience and they would have their way, A little piece here, a
little piece there, and soon they would have it all. In fact, 98 percent
of all Arabs on the West Bank and in Gaza are today under Palestinian
But, encouraged by steadfast friends in the U.S. State Department and
the European community, they would not stop at attempting to consume
Israel a piece at a time. Yasser Arafat turned back the clock and, in an
act of feigned magnanimity, decided to accept UN resolution 181, which
was the original Partition of Palestine adopted in 1947 but soundly
rejected by Palestinians and the world of Islam.
Presently, they stand
to gain a further dissecting of little Israel into six small portions
three for Israel and three for the Palestinians-with Jerusalem becoming
an international city controlled by benevolent Gentiles. The Europeans
loved the idea. Israel, as we would expect, was revulsed and
legitimately cited irrevocable facts on the ground.
But this was not the last word. Retreating again to the UN decisions
of 1948, the Palestinians then championed the Arab "Right of Return,"
embodied in UN resolution 194, dated December 11, 1948, which states:
"[The General Assembly resolves that the refugees wishing to return to
their homes and live in peace with their neighbors should be permitted
to do so at the earliest practicable date."
Such a return would mean that one to two million Palestinian
"refugees," by Arab estimates, would have the right to move into Israel
proper-that is, the portion left after the dissection of the Jewish
state. The Palestinians and their apologists are willing to forget at
least two things. First, they unanimously rejected this resolution when
it was originally offered; and second, there is no mention of the right
of return for Jews expelled from Arab countries after 1948.
The Israeli position is that if Arab "refugees are to be compensated, as
Israelis have agreed should be the case, for the loss of property, then
Jews expelled from Arab countries are entitled to the same treatment.
It seems to have slipped through the cracks in the minds of Western
negotiators that, while half a million Arabs were displaced after the
1948 and 1967 conflicts, eight hundred thousand Jews were driven out of
Arab lands at the same time, suffering the loss of homes, businesses,
and bank accounts. Fair is fair, and if Israel is to compensate Arabs,
then Arabs are obligated to return the favor.
Resident in all of these issues are immense pcroptic
implications. As I write, NATO is involved in a "humanitarian mission"
in the Balkans. In the process, they have alienated the Russians, the
Yugoslavians, the Chinese, and a host of nations too numerous to
mention. Where does this leave us?
The leaders of NATO (the Western European Alliance) are
inferring that they plan to extend their "humanitarian" intrusions
beyond the borders of Western Europe. Where will they go? Certainly not
to China or Russia, or Sudan. The only vulnerable region that seems to
hold out a promise for success is the Middle East. Indeed, the Clinton
administration has declared that Israel is the next target for the
exercise of U.S. "peacekeeping" skills.
Why should we expect any
different. After all, Israel is a friend, and America has been very good
at chastising its friends lately. A primary aim, of course, is to
create some sort of legacy for an administration that is running out of
The question is, given the perceptible American and
European tilt toward the Palestinians, will the rush toward a
time-constrained solution only make our staunch ally Israel more
And, if Israel opposes excessive demands for more than she
can give and survive, is the specter of the entrance of a NATO
"humanitarian" force a real possibility?
In recent days, we have seen the American flag burned and
U.S. embassies in the Balkans, Russia, and China, pelted with rocks,
paint, and assorted hand-thrown missiles. We are rapidly gaining the
reputation of being a pariah nation in many parts of the world.
these events diminishing the role of the United States as a respected
world leader? Are the conflicts in Europe and elsewhere sapping our
economic and military resources to the point that we will be forced into
the position of a follower, also-ran nation? Only time will tell. What
we must understand is that is is time for those with a concern for
Israel and America to strengthen the bond of our determination to make a
difference. We can do it.
Elwood McQuaid