Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem
And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it....
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!
Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord....
And they...shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, which killest the prophets, and stonest them that are sent unto thee; how often would I have gathered thy children together, as a hen doth gather her brood under her wings, and ye would not!
Behold, your house is left unto you desolate: and verily I say unto you, Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord....
And they...shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.
Luke 19:41; 13:34-35; 21:24
Jerusalem is undisputably, year after year, the top news story in the
That fact reflects the fulfillment of multiple prophecies
concerning this remarkable city and its unique place in Gods will. The
ongoing actualization of these prophecies in our day is absolute proof
that God exists, that the Bible is His Word and that the Jews are His
chosen people.
The very fact that Jerusalem is mentioned more than 800 times
in the Bible makes it worthy of special attention.
This unique city is
the only one upon which God has bestowed His distinctive blessing and
protection (Ps 132:13-14), and the only city for whose peace we are
commanded to pray (Ps 122:6). God says He has chosen Jerusalem as the
place where He has put His name forever (2 Chr 6:6; 33:7; Ps 46:4;
48:1-8; 87:3).
The new heavens and new earth will contain "the city of
my God...new Jerusalem" (Rv 3:12; 21:2). That there will be a "heavenly
Jerusalem" (Heb 12:22) but no "heavenly" New York, Paris, London,
Damascus, Cairo, etc. speaks volumes.
After decades of pleading with Israel to repent of its idolatrous
rebellion, God pronounced through Jeremiah His reluctant judgment upon
His city and upon His land (Lv 25:23). Daniel referred to "the word of
the Lord...to Jeremiah the prophet" (Jer 25:3-11), that he would
accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem" (Dn 9:2).
Two views (the second is correct) define the prophesied 70 years of desolations:
1) that it began with the first taking of captives to Babylon
about 605 b.c (2 Chr 36:6-7) and ended with the Edict of Cyrus around
536 b.c. (Ezr 1:1-4, etc.), allowing Jews to return to Jerusalem; or
2) that it began with the destruction of the temple and the city in 586 b.c. (Jer 52:7-14) and ended with the temples completion about 516 b.c.
2) that it began with the destruction of the temple and the city in 586 b.c. (Jer 52:7-14) and ended with the temples completion about 516 b.c.
That the temple was restored and sacrifices resumed at the end of 70
years is established history. The angel Gabriel told Daniel that after
the Messiah had come and been "cut off" (i.e., killed, "but not for
himself") the temple and Jerusalem would be destroyed again (Dn
9:25-26). This post-Messiah destruction would leave the Jews for "many
days without a king...and without a sacrifice..." (Hos 3:4). Obviously,
something would prevent the temple from being rebuilt! As quoted above,
Jesus explained that the Gentiles would control Jerusalem.
For 1,930 years since the a.d. 70 destruction of the temple, Christs
words (proving that He is God the Messiah - Isa 9:6). have been
fulfilled in history, and their continued fulfillment today is at the
heart of the Middle East crisis. Control of Jerusalem was the major
issue breaking down recent peace talks at Camp David.
Sadly, neither the
Israelis nor the Arabs in their "peace" negotiations give heed to what
God has decreed for His land and His city. Were the world to take the
Bible seriously, real peace would be instantly established. UN
secretary-general Boutros Boutros-Ghali expressed the worlds true intent
toward Israel: "The Jews must give up their status as a nation and
Israel as a state, and assimilate as a community in the Arab world."
Popes throughout history have opposed Gods prophecies and promises
concerning Jerusalem. The Crusaders captured Jerusalem from the Muslims for the Church,
not to restore it to the Jews to whom God, as the Bible repeatedly
declares, had given it as a possession forever (Gn 13:14-15; 17:8; Lv
25:23; Jer 31:35-40; Ezk 37:26, etc.).
Pope Urban II, organizing the
First Crusade in 1096, called the Jews "an accursed race, utterly
alienated from God" and urged the Crusaders to "start upon the road to
the Holy Sepulchre to wrest that land from the wicked race and subject it to yourselves."
Urban IIs offer of full forgiveness of sins for Crusade participants
brought forth hordes of volunteers who, under the banner of the Cross,
massacred Christs earthly brethren, the Jews, by the thousands all along
the route to Jerusalem.
The Crusade leader, Godfrey of Bouillon, vowed
to avenge the blood of Jesus upon the Jews, leaving not one alive. Upon
taking the City of David, the Crusaders chased the Jews into the
synagogue and set it ablaze.
Coming to modern times, Theodor Herzl records in his diary that when in
1904 he asked Pope Pius X to support the Zionist cause, the Pope
replied, "We cannot prevent the Jews from going to Jerusalem, but we
could never sanction it." In 1919, Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, Vatican
Secretary of State, said,
"The danger that frightens us the most is that
of the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine." A 1928 Vatican decree
refers to Jews as "the people formerly chosen by God."
The Second
Vatican Council in 1965 affirmed the centuries-old claim that "the
Church is the new people of God...." We have quoted [TBC, Sep.
99] the June 22, 1943 letter to President Roosevelt from Pope Pius XII
which said in part,
"If a Hebrew Home is desired, it would not be too
difficult to find a more fitting territory than Palestne. With an
increase in the Jewish population there, grave new problems would
So the "vicars of Christ" and their Church have consistently
opposed the fulfillment of Gods promises to His chosen people!
That Jerusalem would be "trodden down of the Gentiles" has been a fact
of history, exactly as Christ foretold. The Babylonians held Jerusalem,
then the Medes and Persians. Alexander the Great took it for the Greeks
in 333 b.c. Later the Egyptians and Syrians alternately had it until the
Romans under Pompey captured Israel in 64 b.c. and held it into the
fourth century a.d. In the seventh century Islamic invaders took
control, to be replaced near the end of the eleventh century by the
They held Jerusalem until Saladin (Sultan of Egypt and great
Muslim warrior) retook the city in 1187. Later the Islamic Mamelukes of
Egypt possessed Jerusalem. Then the Ottoman-Turkish Empire ruled for
about 400 years.
The Turks sided with Germany in World War I, so the
Allied victors gave Britain a mandate in 1917 to administer the region.
Central to the Middle East conflict today is the issue of the so-called
Palestinian people. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), headed
by Yasser Arafat since 1969, claims to represent them. To this day, the
PLO declares, "The struggle with the Zionist enemy is not a struggle
about Israels borders, but about Israels existence."
The PLO is an Islamic terrorist organization. It trained most terrorists
around the world: Idi Amins murder gangs who killed about 300,000 black
Christians in Uganda; the Italian Red Brigades; German Baader-Meinhof
gang; the Iranian Revolutionary Guards; terrorists in Latin America,
etc. Arafat committed his first murder at age 20.
Under him the PLO
became the most vicious and bloodiest terrorist organization ever known.
It holds records for the biggest hijacking (4 aircraft at once), the
largest number of hostages (300 at one time), the largest ransom
extorted ($5 million from Lufthansa) and the greatest number and variety
of targets (40 civilian aircraft, five passenger ships, 30 embassies or
diplomatic missions, and massacres of school children), etc.
Palestinian Prize for Culture was recently awarded to Abu Daoud for his
book telling how he planned and murdered eleven Israeli athletes at the
1972 Munich Olympics!
The PLOs terrorism against Jordanian civilians was so vicious that King
Hussein chased them into Lebanon. There the PLO wiped out the Christian
towns of Damur, Beit Mallat, Tall Abbas and others. Its reign of terror
went largely unreported.
The international press was cowed into silence
by the brutal murder of those who dared to tell the truth: Larry Buchman
and Sean Toolan of ABC-TV, Mark Tryon of "Free Belgium Radio," Robert
Pfeffer of Der Spiegel and others. About 300,000 Lebanese
civilians were murdered in the PLOs rape of that country before the
Israelis expelled them. Yet Israel was painted the villain!
Incredibly, Arafat and his PLO murderers have been sanitized and
lionized by world media. John Pauls recent trip to Bethlehem was in
response to Arafats invitation to join him there to celebrate "our Jesus
Christ." Our Jesus Christ? Arafat says Jesus was a Palestinian
freedom fighter against Israel, and the Pope smiles and blesses him!
John Paul II has warmly received Arafat in Rome many times. This
ruthless, sadistic terrorist and murderer was given the Nobel Peace
Prize in 1994 and is honored as the champion of justice for the
Palestinian people.
Palestinians? There never was a Palestinian people,
nation, language, culture, or religion. The claim of descent from a
Palestinian people who lived for thousands of years in a land called
Palestine is a hoax! That land was Canaan, inhabited by Canaanites, whom
God destroyed because of their wickedness. Canaan became the land of
Israel given by God to His people.
Those who today call themselves Palestinians are Arabs by
birth, language, and culture, and are close relatives to Arabs in
surrounding countries from whence mostof them came, attracted by Israels
prosperity. The name Palestine comes from the Philistines, who were not Semites, but invaded Canaan from Crete and parts of Asia Minor. Yet Arafat, an Arab, claims that ancestry.
In a.d. 130, the Romans rebuilt Jerusalem as a pagan city with a temple
to Jupiter where the Jewish temple had stood. Provoked to rebellion,
about 500,000 Jews were killed and thousands sold into slavery. The
Romans angrily renamed Israel "Syria Palaestina." Jews living there
became known as Palestinians. During World War II, the British Army had a
Palestinian Brigade made up entirely of Jewish volunteers. The
Palestinian Symphony Orchestra was all Jewish, and The Palestine Post was a Jewish newspaper.
In 1948, Arabs who had fled from Israel (attacking Arab nations had
broadcast, "All Arabs get out!") began to claim they were the true
Palestinians and that the land of Israel had always belonged to them.
World media eagerly promotes that lie. Yet in 1948, Arabs owned a mere 3
percent of so-called Palestine.
Israels claim to the land goes back 4,000 years to Abrahams
purchase of the cave of Machpelah in Hebron. There Sarah, Abraham,
Isaac, Rebecca, Jacob and Leah are buried.
In Hebron David was crowned
king. This sacred Jewish site has no relationship to Arabs or
Muslims. Yet Muslims claim Hebron as their own, built a mosque to keep
Jews and Christians from visiting the cave, and are determined to drive
out every Jewish resident.
For 3,000 years Jerusalem was the capital of Israel. Temple Mount on
the summit of Mount Moriah is the heart of Jerusalem. This 35-acre
parcel arouses such explosive passions that it could trigger World War
III at any time. This is where Abraham built an altar to offer his son
Isaac to God. That spot was purchased by King David from Ornan the
Jebusite to build there an altar to God. There Solomon built the first
In its place now sits the Dome of the Rock, a monument to Islams
unbiblical and irrational claim that Abraham offered, not Isaac, but
Perpetuating a Muslim lie, Ikrema Sabri, mufti of Jerusalem,
declared again early this August that the Temple Mount is Islamic and
"not subject to negotiations."
Given its 3,000-year Jewish history and
importance to Christians, on what basis should Muslims control this
site? That Jerusalem is not mentioned once in the Koran exposes the lie
of Islams claim to any part of Jerusalem as a holy site.
Today we see the continuing fulfillment of Christs remarkable
prophecy that Jerusalem would be "trodden down of the Gentiles, until
the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled" (Lk 21:24). UN Resolution 181 in
1947, supported by the Vatican, declared that Jerusalem must remain an
international city. Israels Knesset is there. But nations locate their
embassies elsewhere in Israel.
No other country is forbidden to decide
its own capital! The European Union repeatedly says it "does not
recognize Israels sovereignty" over Jerusalem. By what right do Gentile
nations claim Jerusalem as their international city?
In 1998, the Vaticans foreign minister called the Israeli
presence in East Jerusalem "illegal occupation."
In a papal bull on the
Year 2000 Jubilee, John Paul II again rejected Israeli sovereignty over
Jerusalem. In mid-February 2000, the Vatican signed an agreement with
the PLO calling for "international guarantees" to keep Jerusalem under
international control.
Muslim nations have spent billions since the Yom Kippur War for
missiles carrying a variety of deadly warheads. These are not defensive
weapons. They exist for one purpose: to rain death and destruction upon
Israel, so that Muslims can possess the land God promised the Jews. The
new borders imposed by the Oslo Accords (1993) allow Katyusha rockets to
be moved to within deadly range of Israels narrow heartland which holds
70 percent of the Jewish population, 80 percent of its industry, its
only international airport and its mst important military installations.
As the "peace process" continues, Arabs murder and torch the
homes of fellow Arabs suspected of cooperating with Israel. Muslim
terrorists who kill Jews are honored with streets and holidays named
after them!
Yet Israelis dream on of peace with those who have sworn to
exterminate them! An ad in The Jerusalem Post for "The Jerusalem Heights Penthouses" reads, "As Close to Heaven as You Can Eve
r Get." When will "the times of the Gentiles" end? Clearly, not until
the Gentile nations are defeated at Armageddon. Just ahead lies "the
time of Jacobs trouble" (Jer 30:7).
The armies of the world, led by
Anti-christ, will be brought to Armageddon by Jahweh to punish them for
mistreatment of His people Israel (Ezk 38:16-18)--and to discipline
Israel for her unbelief.
No wonder Christ wept over Jerusalem! For 1,900 years, as
Hosea foretold, Jews have had no sacrifices for sin.
We are driven to
one of two conclusions: either God has abandoned them--or the Messiahs
once-for-all death for sin has fulfilled and replaced animal sacrifices.
Let us pray that Israel will awaken to the truth.
Dave Hunt