Got to Serve Somebody
TO BELIEVE, from the Greek PISTEUO means:
to adhere to, to cleave to, to trust, to have faith in, to rely on,
to have an absolute personal reliance.
to adhere to, to cleave to, to trust, to have faith in, to rely on,
to have an absolute personal reliance.

in one God who is eternally existent in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - and that He created everything out of nothing for His own purpose.
that the 66 books that comprise the Bible are the plenary, verbally inspired Word of God,
inerrant and infallible in the original manuscripts, and the guide and
final authority in matters of doctrine, faith and day to day life.
that man was created perfectly in the image of God and when he sinned, mankind incurred both spiritual and physical death; thus man became eternally separated from God and is incapable of providing redemption for himself and by himself.
that the Lord Jesus Christ was begotten of the Father through the Holy Spirit, was born of the virgin Mary and He is true man without ceasing to be God, that He lived a perfect and sinless life that fully pleased His Father;
that He gave Himself of His own free will to be the sacrifice for the
redemption of man and that He bore the judgement required by God's holy justice against sin, thus making it possible for God to remain just and yet at the same time to justify those who believe in His Son Jesus Christ.
that the Lord Jesus Christ rose bodily from the dead, never to die again, and ascended into Heaven, to the right hand of the Father where, as High Priest of His Church, He mediates between God and man for those who are repentant believers.
that there is no other name given whereby man can be saved except that of Jesus Christ and that those who by faith alone and through no merit of their own receive the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior, are miraculously "born again" of the Holy Spirit and become children of God and partakers of His divine nature and eternal life.
that the Holy Spirit indwells all true believers into the one true Church, and that He bestows spiritual gifts upon them and empowers them for service and holy living.
in Jesus Christ's Lordship
upon the Church and that two ordinances (sacraments), which He gave,
neither of which essential to salvation, are to be observed by all
believers in obedience to Him until His return: Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
in the imminent and personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
that at death, the souls of the redeemed pass immediately into Christ's Presence, to remain there until the resurrection of the body at Christ's return, and that at death, the souls of the lost go to Hell, where they will remain until they are brought before Christ at the Great White Throne final judgement, to be judged according to their works and cast into the Lake of Fire.
in the existence and personality of Satan, his total opposition to God, his power over the unregenerate and his final doom in the Lake of Fire.